These photos are to show the abuse, forced labor and human rights violations that are happening in Kuwait in the year 2009. Can you imagine slavery and forced labor camps in the year 2009?
The Arabic word for Slave is abd. This is the title that the workers are called in Arabic.
They are living in horrible conditions with 9 or 10 people in a small crowded room. These Abds (slaves) are not giving proper protective equipment either. It is common to see them working in flipflops sandals when steel toed boots are required.
They are not even given cleaning supplies to clean their rooms. Many of these pictures had to be taken with a flash because of poor lighting or in some cases no lighting at all. Usually the hallway of these buildings had no lights.
The slaves would leave but their passports were taken away from them and they have no money for a plane ticket. So they are stuck in Kuwait.
These slaves do not get paid. Many of the workers commit suicide, run away, and poison their employers.
Women trapped in Kuwait are subject to sexual exploitation.
I had to go undercover to get these photos. Taking photos of these forced labor camps is strictly forbidden. Outsiders are not allowed in.
The only way I was able to get these photos was by taking a big risk, bribery, and by physically sneaking into the buildings. If I was caught I could of been imprisoned.
There is no excuse for this abuse considering that Kuwait is one of the most oil rich countries of the world and the Arabs enjoy a nice lifestyle of fancy cars and big houses.
The workers themselves were happy to help me expose their suffering however their faces have been blacked out for their protection. They did not want to be seen on the media in public for fear of being beaten, their food taken away or some other type of punishment.
Posted from Flickr under Creative Commons. Copyright belongs to Rebel Against Injustice
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