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24/7 Campaign in Lebanon: She too is entitled to a day off!

On April 19, 2010

In Lebanon, a coalition of Non-Governmental Organizations and independent activists launched a campaign aimed at celebrating and honoring migrant domestic workers in Lebanon on the occasion of International Workers’ Day on May 1, 2010, Saturday. “24/7” means 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, showing that many domestic workers in Lebanon are often working around the clock without a day-off. Hence, the campaign demands especially the right to a weekly day-off, along with better working conditions for migrant domestic workers in general.

The campaign website,, adds that the campaign aims at altering the servant stereotype, established between an Asian/African person and a Lebanese person, and proclaims:

We want to show a more creative, powerful, proud, self-reliant, and intelligent face to migrant workers, as business women and representative of rich and sophisticated cultures.

The activities for the 24/7 Campaign include a week-long Twitter and Blogging campaign in which activists and migrant domestic workers will share thoughts and stories about the issue of migrant domestic workers’ rights online, in the week leading to May 1st. And on May 1st, campaign activities include an African Dance Party, a food festival at the Souk el Tayyeb with food from the Philippines, Ethiopia, Sri Lanka, Sudan and Nigeria, a solidarity march from Bourj Hammoud, to Souk el Tayyeb (Saifi), and a free concert featuring various artists.

For more information, contact 24sevencampaign (at) gmail (dot) com and comms (at) indyact (dot) org

Special video for the event by artist and blogger Maya Zankoul: