The UN General Assembly proclaimed December 18 as International Migrants Day in 2000, 10 years after adopting the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (ICRMW). Each year, the day is dedicated to sharing information and experiences on the rights of migrants around the world. This year, the UN and the International Labor Organization (ILO) pledged specific attention to challenging xenophobia, identifying misconceptions of migrants as one of the greatest obstacles to protecting their fundamental rights.
None of the GCC states have ratified the ICRMW, a core international human rights instrument which reaffirms the basic rights and freedoms of all migrants - including those in undocumented status. But is dedicated to challenging the entrenched narratives that justify migrants' marginalization and encouraging unprejudiced dialogue on Gulf migration. In 2013, our Media Centre featured a number of pieces tackling common media and government accusations wielded against migrants, including:
Kuwaiti Columnist Blames Migrants for the Failure of Social Services
Dehumanizing Ethiopian Domestic Workers
Saudi Gazette Blames Migrants for Everything
Migrants Accused of Aiding Political Enemies
As crackdowns against migrants continue across the Gulf, changing attitudes towards migration is especially critical. Advancing migrant rights is only possible if citizens, employers, migrants, and authorities engage in a critical conversation together; will continue to provide a platform for this convergence and invites all of our readers to participate.