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Step it Up Campaign launches on International Migrants Day

On December 18, 2014

The UN General Assembly proclaimed December 18 as International Migrants Day in 2000, 10 years after adopting the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (ICRMW). The landmark convention reaffirms the basic human rights and fr

Step-it-up-logo_Final17Nov2014eedoms of all migrants and their families, no matter the status of their documentation.

Each year, the day is dedicated to sharing information and experiences on the rights of migrants around the world. This year, a coalition of migrant rights organizations including Migrant Forum in Asia and the Arab Network for Migrants Rights have launched Step It Up, a year-long campaign to encourage ratification of the convention in 2015, the 25th anniversary of its adoption.  The online platform provides a space to explore migration at the intersection of dignity, decent work, and human rights. The platform invites states, trade unions, employers’ organizations, civil society organizations, migrant workers, and members of their families to come together promote the rights of migrants.

Alongside most destination countries,  none of the GCC states have ratified the ICRMW. Recognizing that the convention provides a critical framework for the implementation of just migration policies, joins the call for global ratification and implementation.