CLDH (Lebanese Center for Human Rights) held last Thursday a sit-in in solidarity with arbitrarily detained refugees in front of the underground retention center of the General Security in Adlieh (Beirut).
This sit-in, which CLDH urgently called for given the very serious deterioration of the situation at the retention center (which holds hundreds of migrants, men and women, including refugees recognized by UNHCR), was attended by human rights defenders, including various civil society organizations.
Participants were given the opportunity to write many messages of support to refugees and migrants detained arbitrarily.
In this short video of the sit-in, we can see Wadih Asmar from CLDH decrying the inhumane conditions of livelihood in the retention center. According to a CLDH press release, "the retention center of the General Security is a former underground parking, in which 13 cages have been installed to keep confined for months on end irregular migrants who never see daylight, suffer from inadequate ventilation, are fed daily with potatoes and mortadella, and are severely punished in case of protest."