Our first session was on storytelling. The objective of this session was for the participants to get to know each other, share their stories and experiences and build up strong and significant storylines. The second session was on video advocacy. In this session, participants were introduced on how to develop plans for their videos to be better used for advocacy purposes.
The project produced a video-toolkit to help civil society organizations anywhere share these stories. The kit includes:
- 12 videos of migrants workers, refugees and stateless people in Malaysia telling their stories.
- The videos are organised in five chapters according to the theme of migration they touch upon.
- A Study Guide designed to give context to these videos for use in educational and advocacy purposes.
- A DVD pack for screening high-quality versions of all 12 videos with English subtitles and a limited edition colour booklet.
All videos have been translated and subtitled into English through EngageMedia’s Lingua project.
Access the videos, a PDF version of the toolkit, and project updates here.